Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Apprentice Season 2

Apprentice Season 2 Episode 208:

      1. Task: To create a recruitment commercial for NYPD.
      2. Leaders: The leader of Mosaic was Elizabeth and the leader of Apex was Andy.
      3. Winners: The winner was Mosaic because their commercial was effective and from the heart. They got their ad displayed in Times Square.
      4. Boardroom: There was no boardroom in this episode.
      5. Fired: Elizabeth was fired because she was a very bad leader.
      6. Why this episode: I liked this episode because I liked to see how using the right music, images and slogans can make your ad very effective and win you a job. It shows that creativity has a place in business.
      7. Lesson: A lesson I learned was, "You have to love it". This is important because it shows that if you are passionate about a topic it is much easier to sell it, because you can just relay why you like the product so much.

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