Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Apprentice Season 2

Apprentice Season 2 Episode 208:

      1. Task: To create a recruitment commercial for NYPD.
      2. Leaders: The leader of Mosaic was Elizabeth and the leader of Apex was Andy.
      3. Winners: The winner was Mosaic because their commercial was effective and from the heart. They got their ad displayed in Times Square.
      4. Boardroom: There was no boardroom in this episode.
      5. Fired: Elizabeth was fired because she was a very bad leader.
      6. Why this episode: I liked this episode because I liked to see how using the right music, images and slogans can make your ad very effective and win you a job. It shows that creativity has a place in business.
      7. Lesson: A lesson I learned was, "You have to love it". This is important because it shows that if you are passionate about a topic it is much easier to sell it, because you can just relay why you like the product so much.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Current Event

On December 13, Kanye West met with Donald Trump at Trump Towers. Kanye and Trump met to discuss multicultural issues, specifically concerns in Chicago. A source close to Kanye said, "Finding ways to effect change for that particular issue has been heavy on Kanye's mind for years and he has been talking about it more often most recently with family and friends," the source said. "His hope is that he will be able to keep this issue fresh on the mind of the Trump administration and they will make making Chicago safe again a priority." This relates to marketing, because Kanye has recently cancelled the rest of his tour, but still needs to get his name out, so he controversially (because Kim publicly supported Clinton)  met with the president elect. 

Then and Now Ads

Cover Girl 1960's 

Cover Girl 2016