Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Apprentice Season 2

Apprentice Season 2 Episode 208:

      1. Task: To create a recruitment commercial for NYPD.
      2. Leaders: The leader of Mosaic was Elizabeth and the leader of Apex was Andy.
      3. Winners: The winner was Mosaic because their commercial was effective and from the heart. They got their ad displayed in Times Square.
      4. Boardroom: There was no boardroom in this episode.
      5. Fired: Elizabeth was fired because she was a very bad leader.
      6. Why this episode: I liked this episode because I liked to see how using the right music, images and slogans can make your ad very effective and win you a job. It shows that creativity has a place in business.
      7. Lesson: A lesson I learned was, "You have to love it". This is important because it shows that if you are passionate about a topic it is much easier to sell it, because you can just relay why you like the product so much.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Current Event

On December 13, Kanye West met with Donald Trump at Trump Towers. Kanye and Trump met to discuss multicultural issues, specifically concerns in Chicago. A source close to Kanye said, "Finding ways to effect change for that particular issue has been heavy on Kanye's mind for years and he has been talking about it more often most recently with family and friends," the source said. "His hope is that he will be able to keep this issue fresh on the mind of the Trump administration and they will make making Chicago safe again a priority." This relates to marketing, because Kanye has recently cancelled the rest of his tour, but still needs to get his name out, so he controversially (because Kim publicly supported Clinton)  met with the president elect. 

Then and Now Ads

Cover Girl 1960's 

Cover Girl 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Study Guide Chapter 29

 Chapter 29 Study Guide 
Vocabulary 29.1 :

Problem- Occurs when a business clearly identifies a problem or research issue and the information that is necessary to solve it

Primary data- Is data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue or under study

Secondary data- Is data that has already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.

Survey method- Is a research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys or questionnaires

Sample- is a part of the target population that is assumed to represent the entire population to get survey results

Observation Method- is a research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observers

Point-of-sale Research- is a powerful form of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior.

Experimental Method- is a research technique in which a researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables constant under controlled conditions.

Data Analysis- is the process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data collected.

Vocabulary 29.2 :
Validity- existed when the question asked measure what was intended to be measured

Reliability- exists when a research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trails

Open-Ended questions- asks respondents to construct their own response to a question. Ex; "How can we be better?"

Forced-Choice questions- asks respondents to choose answers from possibilities given on a

Research Steps:

1.) Defining the Problem- The problem or research issue is identified and goals are set to solve problem.

2.) Obtaining Data- Researchers obtain data from primary and secondary sources

3.) Analyzing Data- Researchers compile,analyze, and interpret the data

4.) Recommending Solutions- Researches come up with potential solutions to the problem and present them in a report

5.) Applying the Results- The research results are put into action.

More points: 

How secondary data is obtained- internal and external sources. Internet, U.S. government sources, consumer and business information companies, business and trade publications.
The Advantages- can be obtained easily because their are so many sources.
Disadvantages- existing data may not be suitable or available for the study, secondary information is sometimes inaccurate

How primary data is obtained- can be obtained through company research projects or commercial research organizations. Survey method, observation method, and experimental method.

Basic guidelines for writing questions- write each question clearly and briefly. Don't ask leading questions that would suggest a correct answer. Avoid bias.

Formatting- Use dark ink on light paper. Shade sections. Put section headings and number the questions. Put directions.

Administering the questionnaire- All mailed questionnaires should be sent first-class with a hand signed cover letter. The cover should explain the survey.

Questions Types:
  1. Yes/No Questions
  2. Multiple Choice Questions
  3. Rating Scale Questions
  4. Level of Agreement Questions

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Powder Puff

The annual powder puff game was Monday, November 21 at 6:00. This year it was under the lights. The ALS Club sold hot chocolate and snacks. The Senior Class Officers held a small food drive to donate canned goods to the Reading Food Pantry for the holidays. The game took place on Monday rather than Wednesday afternoon so all students could participate rather than missing out due to travelling.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What to do now

What To Do Now:

I received responses from mostly seniors and mostly girls. I also found that the majority (69.2%) have never played in the school dodge ball tournament, mostly because it didn't interest them. Others didn't play because they didn't get asked, or they didn't know about the tournament. 50% of the people who took the survey said they would play again and 8% said they would like to play this year. With this data, I can decide that to make the tournament more successful, we need to target towards women and market more in general. Lastly, we have to hands on market by talking to people about the tournament.

Responses: 13

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Social Responsibility

New England Patriots: 

Children's Holiday Party-

For the past 17 years, the Patriots have entertained hundreds of children from Salvation Army centers throughout Massachusetts for a night of holiday festivities at the Children's Holiday Party. Every year, dozens of players attend the party at Gillette Stadium and participate in the Wrap-a-Pat event, a game in which the children, working in teams, race to wrap Patriots players in holiday wrapping paper, ribbons and bows. The kids are also able to get autographs from players and cheerleaders, visit with Santa Claus and receive holiday gifts provided by the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation.

children's holiday party

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chapter 5

1. All the activities involved in producing goods or services.
2.  Production and Marketing
3.Large v Small, Domestic v Global, Profit v Nonprofit and Public v Private.
4. People can access any product from anywhere.
Quizlet https://quizlet.com/160888071/chapter-5-vocabulary-flash-cards/

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Part 3



Made in 1984
Original game could be played on home computers and in arcades.
In 1989 a handheld version was released for Game boy.


The newest version was made in 2016.
You can play it almost every video game console.
Found of iPhone, Nintendo DS, and even graphing calculators.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

License a Video Game pt2

Arching With Innis
This game, Arching With Innis provides an in-depth virtual archery experience like no other, with personal mentoring from 6 time Olympic Gold Medalist, Hubert Van Innis. Innis will guide archers through the basics of archery, proper form, target techniques and critical evaluation of the individual performance.  

Target Market
Our target market of this game includes ages 10 to 30, all with various archery experiences.
Arching with Innis is a Prima Sports Video Game licensed by Zazz intended to introduce beginners and further skill intermediates to the long- loved game of Archery. Olympic Gold Medalist, and first Belgian to win a Gold Medal, Hubert Van Innis will take players through all the steps it takes to become the best archer in the world. It will be available on Wii, Xbox, and PlayStation.

Our game will cost $39.99 on all Wii, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles.

Our game will be available to purchase at all major retailers; such as Target, WalMart, Best Buy. Game Stop, and Costco.


We plan to promote our game by holding stands in local malls so shoppers can stop by and play the game for a few minutes. We will raffle off a few of the games by having potential customers give us their email for further promotional information, and in return they will receive a chance at winning the game. We had television ads on live television during the Olympics, and our team visited a couple of college campuses to allow students to try out our game.

Monday, October 3, 2016

License a Video Game

Archery (ASA)
Olympic Archery
Olympic achers
Wii archery

Video Game Research
Game Name
Location Sold (5)
Target Market
Wii Sports Resort$29.49Game Stop
E Bay
Players Choice
Ages 7-20-Archery Game
-Water Sports
Archery TournamentFree App Store
Google Play
Microsoft Store
Ages 15-30-Feels like real archery
-Time attack mode
-Beat high scores with checkpoint system
Deca Sports Freedom $2.96
Game Stop
Best Buy
E Bay
Ages 10-18- Kinect game- so no wires
-games, races, meets
-Sports and figure skating 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Generation Y

Generation Y:
The generation born in the 1980s and 1990s, comprising primarily the children of the baby boomers and typically perceived as increasingly familiar with digital and electronic technology.

                                                   They are

1. More racially and ethnically diverse.
2. more segmented as an audience aided by the rapid expansion in Cable TV channels,
satellite radio, the Internet
3. Can be lazy
5.Strong sense of responsibility
6.Consideration for the environment 

2.Saved By The Bell 

1. Ghostbusters (1984)
2. The Lion King (1994) 

 1. People 
 2. Time 

Live Entertainment Event
1. Bruce Springsteen World Tour (1992-1993) 
2. 1995 Superbowl 

Vacation Destinations 
1. New Zealand 
2. England 

Current Event Link

Link to article:
Current event: apple justified headphone jack-less iphone

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Best New TV Shows Research 1

I looked at ABC's fall lineup and premier date. The 5 new shows they are releasing are  American HousewifeConvictionDesignated SurvivorNotorious and Speechless. The show Speechless stood out to me in particular because it was being advertised on the side of the screen. It is a show about a mom who will do anything for her husband and kids, one of which has cerebral palsy. The premier is on Wednesday, September 21st at 8:30 pm.

I believe Speechless will be very successful because it has been marketed really well. I've seen commercials on TV. The trailer and a sneak peak are both on ABC.com. I also hear radio ads and see billboards on the highway. I may watch Speechless if I have time because it seems like an interesting show. 


Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Hi! I'm Lauren. I'm a senior at the high school. I live with my Mom, Dad and younger brother Matt (13). I am enjoying senior year so far, especially my English class and Anatomy class. Outside of school I play libero for the varsity volleyball team. I also enjoy babysitting and taking part in Class Office, and A World of Difference. When I'm not playing volleyball or at school I like to watch Netflix and listen to music. If I could go out to eat tonight, I would go to Tokyo Steakhouse or to get pizza. I would get ice cream for dessert.